Idea 1
This is an idea for the environment, I want it to be colourful and peaceful looking.
Idea 2
This image shows the people being blown inside the nasal cavity.
this image shows a diagram of the nasal cavity and how the product travels through coating it to give snoring relief.
Idea 3
My first ideas follows on from the information given to us by Sandra during the presentation, she showed us some ideas using a sheep and a tank saying we could take inspiration from these and continue this idea if we wished. My idea is to use sheep as these are a commonly known representation of sleep, I plan on animating sheep jumping over a fence one after the other, after around 3 or 4 have jumped I will have the camera repeat the motion but have no sheep in the frame. once this has happened the camera can look to the other side of the fence where the sheep were jumping from to see a queue of sheep waiting to jump with the leader fast asleep. Once this has taken place snoreeze can be presented on the screen along with the statement saying "Get your 8 Hours" or something similar then the information regarding the product that needs to be displayed can be shown.
This is an idea for the environment, I want it to be colourful and peaceful looking.
Idea 2
This Idea is a little different to the cliché snoring advert using annoyed or tired couples and animal representations. For this idea I wanted it to be something visually different to the Snoreeze adverts my research found. I plan on setting this advert in an environment similar to a wind tunnel. Two people will be present in the tunnel talking about Snoreeze, they list the benefits of Snoreeze, how it has natural organic ingredients, is the only product to guarantee 8 hours sleep, patented ingredients and formula. During this the wind will be blowing the two people back and forth ruffling their cloths and hair, when talking about how the product works the camera zooms out to show they are stood in the nasal cavity, as the product is used it can be seen working and then the wind in the tunnel gets stronger and the people are blown away.
This image shows the people being blown inside the nasal cavity.
this image shows a diagram of the nasal cavity and how the product travels through coating it to give snoring relief.
Idea 3
This idea takes inspiration form the European folklore the sandman. Rather than the sandman come to children and bring then pleasant dreams he comes to adults and stops them snoring, he sneaks into the rooms of people troubled with snoring bearing his umbrellas and after casting his sand in the air he applies the Snoreeze product. When he puts up his umbrella of good dreams the inside is filled with the pictures of the products and acts similar to zeotrope.

This image shows the sandman sitting by the bed with his umbrella having stopped the snoring with Snoreeze.

This image shows the sandman sitting by the bed with his umbrella having stopped the snoring with Snoreeze.
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