Sunday 20 October 2013

one second a week inverting man

My initial source of inspiration for this weeks animation was going to come from the news that there had been an new piece of information regarding Madeline Maccann's disappearance. For this I was going to have a man carrying away a child. However when I was seeking other sources of inspiration and questioning my flatmates it was put to me that I could have a person bending over as earlier in the week I had managed to lean backwards into a crab. I decided to take this and change it so it was a person leaning backwards into themselves and then unfolding from the other side. This movement is difficult to describe with words although I managed to visualise it and then draw a basic idea down which is now in my second a week sketchbook. I then started by just drawing a man from a 3/4 profile, I started like this because we have been doing gesture drawing this week so it seemed comfortable to do. Being able to clearly visualise the movement and how I wanted it appear on the paper really helped me with this piece as I began to draw. I could clearly see what I wanted to happen and knew whether each drawing was successfully moving in the direction I wished or needed editing without having to create the animation and watch it back. I stuck to just black fine line drawings for this piece as it was already a complicated and strange movement and I didn't want it to become too overpowering and begin to draw attention away from what was actually happening, so leaving colour out of it seemed like the best. I decided to have two cycles of this because it gives time for the movement to register, i also keep it on repeat for this reason when viewing it.

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